I'm a researcher in management, information systems and the systems sciences. I study Collective Intelligence, exploring the dynamics of collective action and performance generated by our interactions with artificial intelligence and digital technologies. As a cybernetician, I believe that "inference matters..." — which is my perspective on the interplay of technologies, communication and understanding. I am particularly interested in how organizations, open initiatives and cities can leverage AI to improve innovation and decision-making.
I always try to make new insights resonate with business practice. To this end, I engage with firms and public organizations through moderation of future foresight processes, coaching on digital transformation, and set-up of research-intensive projects.
My research focus is on how hybrid social collectives, i.e., teams, networks of people or organizations augmented by digital technologies, can organize themselves to improve their communication and decision-making.
Digital platforms and infrastructures are means to build citizen and business ecosystems. My research looks at how they help collectives to grow, adapt or re-organize themselves towards greater impact, e.g., in context of urban sustainability (smart city).
I'm using various research methods and techniques, such as, qualitative empirical research, design science, system dynamics, topic modelling, or natural language processing.
I target at achieving business impact through transfer of research findings to managerial practice. Since 2000,
I have consulted and researched in 40+ digitization projects with companies and public organizations across Europe to improve their capabilities for information management, innovation management, and digital transformation. I have acquired and led more than a dozen cooperative research projects with a budget of more than 30m €. I'm open to discussing your company's or institution's AI strategies in a variety of ways. Let's work together to drive success and grow resilience through effective decision-making and collaboration.
Diploma in Cybernetics Engineering
University of Stuttgart, Germany, 1995-2000
Doctor of Engineering
University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2001-2006
Habilitation in Business Administration
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, 2014
TUM Global Visiting Professor 2020-2021
at Technical University of Munich, I have researched with the Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems on digital infrastructures
Best Paper Awards and Runner-ups at AMCIS 2019, ACIS 2018 & ICEIS 2018
MISQE nomination for the AIS Senior Scholar’s Best Paper in IS award 2015
with article “Role of Information Systems in Empowering Innovation Networks” Rehm, Goel, Junglas, 2015, MIS Quarterly Executive, 14(3), 87-103.
Office Address
Hermann-Kurz-Str. 17
70192 Stuttgart
Academic Contact